Sunday, 27 November 2011

Witchford Village College

Witchford Village College (sometimes abbreviated to W.V.C.) is a secondary school in the village of Witchford. Currently, over 850 students, aged 11 to 16, and approximately 30 teachers. The current head teacher is David Taylor.

About the college

Witchford Village College is described as a good school with outstanding features following the recent Ofsted Inspection in January 2010.
Some of its characteristics include:
  • A house system - Students are placed in one of four houses in which competitive activities can take place between houses.
  • Year bands, with Years 7 & 8 banded together to provide support for new fledglings to the college.
Catchment area
Witchford College serves students living predominantly in South East Cambridgeshire, especially those who live in:
  • Aldreth
  • Coveney
  • Ely
  • Haddenham
  • Little Downham
  • Littleport
  • Little Thetford
  • Mepal
  • Sutton
  • Soham
  • Stretham
  • Wardy Hill
  • Wilburton
  • Witcham
  • Witchford

Student facilities
The college offers many facilities for students not only for learning, but for help with certain personal issues, such as bullying.

Out of school hours learning (OSHL)
Students have access to after-school clubs on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the college provides a late bus for the students to travel home on after the normal school buses have departed. Many of these clubs are sports clubs, for students to represent the school in sports such as football, rugby union, and netball. Revision sessions for various subjects take place as well.

Student support services (S3)
S3 is a room which students can talk to 'friendly' adults and school prefects about problems, be it in college or outside, and they can be sorted out. If the students are being bullied or need advice but do not want to talk to an adult about it, they are free to talk to a student in year 11 from the 'Here to Hear' group.

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